Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HW 33

Comments I made on others' blogs:

 Elizabeth: I like how you focused on one particular aspect of illness and dying. I had always noticed that too - the way people seem to forget about someone's flaws when they're gone (I wrote my ten minute play about that topic last year). I liked the way you said it:

"It seems to me that when a loved one dies, their flaws die with them."

I notice this a lot when I'm around my father's side of my family. Him and his sisters will always talk about their parents, and joke about all the quirky things they did, but they won't say anything they didn't like about them. They don't even really talk about their personalities; it's as if they're afraid to touch they subject.

Another part I liked about your post was the next line:

"But what bothers me the most, is that they all wait until the person has passed to express their affection for them."

However, I thought you were going to go into more detail, but I guess it's okay that you didn't since this was supposed to be a pretty short post.

P.S. Also, this all seems to apply to Looking for Alaska.


I liked that you out got all your ideas about illness and dying. I also liked how you connected this unit to the food unit, by saying that people should focus more on preventative medicine:

"The way we eat is very unhealthy and this can lead obesity and also lead to diseases such as heart disease and diabetes which are the cause for many deaths. If we can eat better and live better we can have less health problems."

I thought this was important too. I remember a while ago Obama said something about wanting to focus his health care plan more on preventative care (eating healthy, getting exercise), so maybe that is something that could happen one day. 

Comments on my blog:

Elizabeth: I think that you definitely came away from this unit with some strong insight.
Your best part was applying what you had learned to your own understanding, "I came to the conclusion that when people think about the fact that they are going to die someday, they want to do more and live more". I think it showed great growth from the beginning of the unit where you would respond to the text much more personally than general.

For example I went back to your first Tuesdays With Morrie Homework, and I found this in your response, "I couldn't imagine waking up and reading the paper and drinking coffee like normal if I knew I was going to die". Your analysis has grown and I'm actually realizing that my Homework 32 may not have grown out of a superficial nature compared to my earlier homework assignments.

That was a LOT of praise right there, but there's that cliche saying, "there's always room for improvement". For this post, I felt that you could have gotten a little more personal with the reader of your blog. Bold titles and sectioning work is great for projects or thorough research. Because you had a lot to say, but few words to say it in, I feel as though the bold titles removed the reader from exactly what you were trying to say and gave TOO general of a summary.

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